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A MESSAGE FROM Kevindaryán
“Over these past eight years, I have had the honor of representing Newburgh in the Orange County Legislature. This journey began at a kitchen table and took me to the board rooms of Orange County, to the halls of Albany and even to the steps of our Capitol building in Washington DC. During these past eight years, I have talked to thousands of residents about their concerns, from issues pertaining to crime and violence, livable wage jobs, education and economic development needed to revitalize our communities and the importance of making prudent decisions about our environment. At the core of these concerns our community has always identified racism and poverty as being central to our ongoing struggle, neither of which are solved over night.
I am running with all of us in mind, and I need your help to pursue that momentum of change. We need leaders that are going to stand up to the back-door deals and corruption that we see in Orange County under one party rule and we need leaders that truly represent the diversity of our community. We need generational, racial and ideological change, change that understands that the legacy we leave behind should not be worse than how we found it. The changes we wish to see and the fight ahead will take all of us, we must stand together and combat the racism and oppressive one party rule that currently exists in Orange County.

"Over the course of these past eight years, I have spoken to thousands of residents about their concerns, from issues pertaining to crime and violence, livable wages, education and economic development needed to revitalize our communities. At the core of these concerns is the issue of poverty, and we must enact bold steps to address this systemic problem in all our neighborhoods. It is time for generational, racial and ideological change and we need leaders that have their roots in the district that know the community to represent the interests of all our community members."